viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Back to the future

We've already talked about how life has changed, especially the ICTs, but... have you ever stopped
to think about what the future holds? What will the future be like?
Many films talk about the future. How will ICTs develop? And means of transport? Will there be new jobs that do not exist nowadays?

We'll talk about the evolution of AI (artificial intelligence), robotics, credit cards, genetics... and much more!

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

What's for lunch?

Are you or have you been on a diet? Have you got problems when it comes to deciding what's for lunch/dinner? Who decides at home? And who does the shopping/cook?
What is your favourite food? Do you like foreign cuisine?
Are you proud of any of your recipes?
Come and we'll exchange these ideas and (why not?) some recipes.
Here's some vocabulary you might need:


- Add: añadir
- Bake: hornear
- Boil: hervir
- Chop: trocear
- Crush: machacar
- Cuisine: cocina (estilo de cocina), culinario
- Cutlery: cubertería
- Cutting board: tabla de cortar
- Deep fry: freir en mucho aceite
- Dip: mojar
- Fork: tenedor
- Grate: rallar
- Knife: cuchillo, navaja
- Ladle: garcilla
- Mash: hacer puré
- Measuring cup: jarra medidora
- Microwave (oven): (horno) microondas
- Mix: mezclar
- Mould: molde
- Oven: horno
- Pan: sartén
- Peal: pelar
- Pot: olla, cazuela
- Pour: echar, verter
- Roast: asar
- Rolling pin: rodillo de amasar
- Scale: balanza
- Scramble: batir
- Sieve: colar, escurrir, colador, escurridor
- Slice: rebanada, cortar en rodajas/rebanadas
- Spoon: cuchara
- Spread: untar
- Steam: cocinar al vapor
- Stove: cocina (el fuego)
- Teaspoon: cucharilla
- Tray: bandeja
- Whisk: batir (con varilla)