martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015


I'm sorry to inform you that next Friday 11th December I won't be able to attend the Bar Chat due to personal reasons.

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

WWIII (3rd World War)

Last week, there were a few of us at Bar Chat, so we decided to talk about other things and leave this topic for next session, which will be held on Friday 4th, at 7:00 p.m. at K4.
Topic: WWIII. You can check the vocabulary list on the previous entry.

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

WWIII (3rd World War)

Is there a WWIII about to start? Or maybe you think that terrorism is already a new World War... Have we ever actually lived in peace? Is a peaceful world possible? Or is it that human beings are so greedy that peace will never be attained? What were the reasons for the WWI and WWII? Is history cyclical?
We will talk about this and much more. Here is the vocabulary list:

                             VOCABULARY – WWIII
(World War Three / 3rd World War)
-Ally: aliado
- Archduke: archiduque
- Attack: ataque
- Assessin: asesino (en caso de figuras públicas), magnicida
- Assessinate: asesinar (a figures públicas), cometer magnicidio
-Battle: batalla
-Bomb: bomba
- Capitalism: capitalismo
- Christianism: cristianismo
- Civil war: Guerra civil
-Concentration camp: campo de concentración
- Country: país
-Declare war: declarar la guerra
-Empire: imperio
-Gas chamber: cámara de gas
-Genocide: genocidio
-Great War (WWI): la Gran Guerra (1º Guerra mundial)
- Invade: invadir
- Invasion: invasion
- Holocaust: holocausto
- Imperialism: imperialism
-Islam(ism): islam(ismo)
- Jews: judíos
- Judaism: judaísmo
- Kill: matar
- Mosque: mezquita
- Murder: asesino, asesinar
- Muslim: musulmán
- Nationalism: nacionalismo
- Nazism: nazismo
- Peace: paz
- Populated: poblado, con mucha población
- Religion: religión
- Shia: chiíta
- Sign: firmar
- Suicide bomber: terrorista suicida
- Sunni: suní(ta)
- Surrender: rendirse
- Terrorism: terrorismo
- Terrorist: terrorista
- Treaty: tratado
- War: guerra

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

Taboo Game

I didn't publish any vocabulary list this week because today we are going to play Taboo! We'll have a lot of fun at K4.
Examples of the structures you will need are:
- It is something that...
- Is is a place where...
- It is a person who...
- It is what you do when...
- It is how you feel when you...

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Have the ICTs changed our life?

In the last 20 years, there has been a great evolution in the ICT sector and nobody can deny that this evolution has changed our society considerably.
Have you got an account in any social network? What do you use it for? Have you got a smartphone, a tablet, an e-book, a laptop, Internet connection...? What do you use them for?
Was life better then than know? How have the ICTs changed our way of life?
We'll talk about this and much more.
Here's some vocabulary you may need.
(Information and Communication Technologies)
-App (application): aplicación
- Battery: bacteria, pila
- Bluetooth
- Bright: brillante
- Cassette player: radiocassette
- CD player: reproductor de CDs
- Computer: ordenador
- CPU (Central Processing Unit): CPU
- Device: dispositivo
- Digital board: pizarra digital
-E-book: libro electrónico
- e-mail: correo electrónico
- Floppy disk: disquete
- Handsfree: manos libres
- Interactive: interactivo
- i-Phone
- Keyboard: teclado
- Laptop: ordenador portatil
- Memory stick: lápiz de memoria
- Mobile phone: teléfono móvil
- Mouse: ratón
- Notebook: ordenador portátil (pequeño)
- Online: en red (ej: online shopping)
- Portable: que se puede llevar
- Screen: Pantalla
- Smartphone
- Social network: red social
- Speakers: altavoces
- Tablet: tableta
- To take: llevar
- Used to do: solíamos hacer / hacíamos
- Video chat: videoconferencia
- WI-FI: conexión inalámbrica
- Wire: cable
- Wireless: sin cable

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Do you believe in the supernatural?

As you know, Halloween has been just a few days ago and I've thought that this could be an interesting topic for this week: Do you believe in the supernatural? 
Different questions can be asked. Do you think there is life after death? Do ghosts and spirits live amongst us? Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Or do you know anybody who has had one? Can we communicate with spirits? Do you know any haunted place in your town? Can animals feel a presence?
We'll talk about this and much more. I'm sure you know lots of stories!
Here is some vocabulary we might need. 

- Blood: sangre
- Body: cuerpo
- Corpse: cadáver
- Electronic voice phenomena (EVP): psicofonía
- Divination: adivinación
- Fortune teller: adivino
- Fright: susto
- Ghost: fantasma
- Haunted house: casa encantada
- Medium: medium
- Ouija board: tabla güija
- Parapsychology: parapsicología
- Soul: alma
- Spell: conjuro
- Spirit: esíritu
- Telepathy: telepatía
- To be scared / afraid of: asustarse de
- To bleed: sangrar
- To die: morir
- To frighten someone: asustar a alguien
- To scare: asustar
- Trick or treat: truco o trato
- Witch: bruja
- Witchcraft: brujería
- Zombie: zombi