domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

WWIII (3rd World War)

Is there a WWIII about to start? Or maybe you think that terrorism is already a new World War... Have we ever actually lived in peace? Is a peaceful world possible? Or is it that human beings are so greedy that peace will never be attained? What were the reasons for the WWI and WWII? Is history cyclical?
We will talk about this and much more. Here is the vocabulary list:

                             VOCABULARY – WWIII
(World War Three / 3rd World War)
-Ally: aliado
- Archduke: archiduque
- Attack: ataque
- Assessin: asesino (en caso de figuras públicas), magnicida
- Assessinate: asesinar (a figures públicas), cometer magnicidio
-Battle: batalla
-Bomb: bomba
- Capitalism: capitalismo
- Christianism: cristianismo
- Civil war: Guerra civil
-Concentration camp: campo de concentración
- Country: país
-Declare war: declarar la guerra
-Empire: imperio
-Gas chamber: cámara de gas
-Genocide: genocidio
-Great War (WWI): la Gran Guerra (1º Guerra mundial)
- Invade: invadir
- Invasion: invasion
- Holocaust: holocausto
- Imperialism: imperialism
-Islam(ism): islam(ismo)
- Jews: judíos
- Judaism: judaísmo
- Kill: matar
- Mosque: mezquita
- Murder: asesino, asesinar
- Muslim: musulmán
- Nationalism: nacionalismo
- Nazism: nazismo
- Peace: paz
- Populated: poblado, con mucha población
- Religion: religión
- Shia: chiíta
- Sign: firmar
- Suicide bomber: terrorista suicida
- Sunni: suní(ta)
- Surrender: rendirse
- Terrorism: terrorismo
- Terrorist: terrorista
- Treaty: tratado
- War: guerra

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