martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Do you believe in the supernatural?

As you know, Halloween has been just a few days ago and I've thought that this could be an interesting topic for this week: Do you believe in the supernatural? 
Different questions can be asked. Do you think there is life after death? Do ghosts and spirits live amongst us? Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Or do you know anybody who has had one? Can we communicate with spirits? Do you know any haunted place in your town? Can animals feel a presence?
We'll talk about this and much more. I'm sure you know lots of stories!
Here is some vocabulary we might need. 

- Blood: sangre
- Body: cuerpo
- Corpse: cadáver
- Electronic voice phenomena (EVP): psicofonía
- Divination: adivinación
- Fortune teller: adivino
- Fright: susto
- Ghost: fantasma
- Haunted house: casa encantada
- Medium: medium
- Ouija board: tabla güija
- Parapsychology: parapsicología
- Soul: alma
- Spell: conjuro
- Spirit: esíritu
- Telepathy: telepatía
- To be scared / afraid of: asustarse de
- To bleed: sangrar
- To die: morir
- To frighten someone: asustar a alguien
- To scare: asustar
- Trick or treat: truco o trato
- Witch: bruja
- Witchcraft: brujería
- Zombie: zombi

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